Technology News

Annoying iPhone users, Apple representatives answered bluntly.

An Apple representative issued a press release regarding iPhone users' complaints about difficulty in repair.

In the announcement, Apple's head of hardware engineering John Ternus granted an interview with TechCrunch and talked about the iPhone's controversial "component serialization" process.

iPhone repair is very annoying for users.

Repair site iFixit last year lowered iPhone repair scores due to “parts serialization.” The state of Oregon in the US also recently passed a law banning the use of "parts serialization" solutions for digital devices manufactured from January 1, 2025.

“Component serialization” is a term that is widely used and often carries negative connotations in the eyes of many consumers. However, Ternus said: “Many consumers mistakenly believe that we somehow prevent the use of third-party components in iPhones, but the reality is that we do not. From our point of view, serialization will allow us to know what components are paired on our device. First, we need to verify that this is a genuine Apple biometric device and not a counterfeit, and second, achieve a better fit through calibration.”

Internal components are serialized, making repairs very expensive.

Ternus claims that for security reasons, Apple prohibits the pairing of third-party components related to Face ID and Touch ID, because consumers store large amounts of private data on their iPhones, Therefore, the company absolutely prevents the pairing of security-related components such as Face ID and Touch ID. At this stage, Apple cannot verify the performance of any third-party biometric technology, so it will not allow the use of third-party components to implement important security features. important.

At the same time, Apple warns users if iPhone components are not genuine. If iPhone has been repaired, a “Parts and service history” section will appear in Settings > General > About indicating whether non-Apple parts were installed.

Apple representatives said that this is good not only for Apple but also for iPhone users.

“Hundreds of millions of iPhones we are using are used devices,” Ternus said. These devices are a great way for people to experience the iPhone at a lower price. We think it is important for them to know “have they been repaired or not?”, “what parts are used?”, …

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